Development continued through September with its share of new features, not all visible, but some essential for marketing.
This month, we deployed the mirror at an IT consulting firm in the 8th arrondissement in Paris. This is the first deployment in a company. It will allow us to test the mirror in a “production” use, fully autonomous.
To ensure this deployment and autonomy, it was necessary to carry out several steps:
mirror’s Wifi configuration using mobile app
The mirror must be connected to the Internet to function. Either wired or Wifi.
When it does not access the Internet, the mirror displays an alert and guides you in setting up the Wifi.
This setting is done via the mobile app and consists in connecting to the mirror via Bluetooth to select a Wifi and connect to it.
Mirror Automatic update
The mirror is able to update itself automatically.
It is possible to force the update search directly from the mobile app (for the administrator only)
Camera settings
From the mobile app, the administrator can change the camera settings to adjust brightness, contrast and exposure.
Customization of the “home page” content
The administrator chooses the content he wants to display on the mirror in “inactive” mode.
He can display text, images, gifs, videos or “Lottie” animations (.json)
All the files used for this content are stored and secured on our servers.
iOS app now available on Apple store
The mobile application is available on the Apple store. People with access to a mirror can download it and use it to authenticate themselves.
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